To add your own patches to this list, export one or several patches from your MM2 as SYSEX file and name your file this way: If your file contains 1 single patch, name it like this: yourname-sound_description.syx example: elektrosamplist-my_huge_fm_bass.syx If your file contains more than one patch: yourname-bank_description-number_of_patches.syx example: elektrosamplist-my_huge_pad_bank-10.syx Please do not use space or special characters in filenames. You can also add a txt file and/or a mp3 demo file if you like with the same filename. example: elektrosamplist-my_huge_pad_bank-10.txt elektrosamplist-my_huge_pad_bank-10.mp3 Keep your demos short and focused, server space and bandwidth are not unlimited, mp3 files @ 192kbps should be enough for demo purposes. Send all files to